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¿Qué estás mirando?

¿Qué es lo que esperas?

¿Qué ves?

Mira a tu alrededor, está en todas partes.

Imágenes, iconos, formas, colores, ideas, sensaciones, conceptos, mensajes, papel, plástico. Tocar, oler, ver, mirar.

A veces no las oyes, pero te hablan.

Están en todas partes. Hay algo en ellas que me atrapa, no lo puedo evitar. Al principio, me daban miedo. Después, quería mimetizarme con ellas, convertirme en ellas. Ahora , las pongo en cuestión. Me enfrento a ellas. Como un cirujano, las secciono quirúrgicamente, las manipulo, las doy forma, las aíslo y las junto. Las mezclo unas con otras, y presento una nueva versión. El resultado de un análisis patológico.

Rescato las piezas de un puzzle oculto, fragmentos de una historia paralela. Personajes con un guión que continua, relatos de un solo acto que quedan incompletas. Partes de un todo que quedan escondidas entre la multitud, ocultas, pero están ahí, esperando ser encontradas

Generalmente, se entiende la fotografía como un sistema para capturar la realidad, salvaguardarla del paso del tiempo y emplear el resultado como testigo de un momento concreto. Quizás por que su tecnología produce información en el mismo lenguaje que hablan nuestros ojos.

Siempre he creído que no hay nada menos “real” que una fotografía. Todo entorno a ella es subjetivo, sujeto al criterio de un juez nada imparcial, la persona que está tras el aparato, el fotógrafo. ¿Cómo podemos tomar como referencia única y verídica de un momento o hecho un rectángulo de una realidad posiblemente más grande? El ojo y la mente tras la cámara deciden que se incluye y que se queda fuera de ese marco de “realidad”.

Sin embargo, pienso que una fotografía o imagen, es bastante mas que unas serie de reacciones químicas o un poco de tinta sujeta a un papel. Si bien pienso que no es una referencia de la realidad, creo que en ocasiones si refleja porciones de la misma. Destellos de historias que quedaron fuera del escenario.

Es un impulso natural para mi, pensar en que hay detrás de las imágenes, ajenas y propias. A veces el mensaje es claro. Otras veces, necesito reorganizarlas para contar las otras realidades contenidas en una única captura.

¿Qué estás mirando? ¿Qué es lo que esperas?¿Qué ves? ¿Que miras?


What are you looking at?

What are you waiting for?

Do you see?

Look around, it’s everywhere.

Images, icons, shapes, colors, ideas, sensations, concepts, messages, paper, plastic.

Touch, smell, see, look.

Sometimes you do not hear them, but they talk to you.

They are everywhere. There is something in them that catches me, I can not help it. At first, they scared me. Afterwards, I wanted to imitate them, to become them. Now, I put them in question. I face them. As a surgeon, I surgically section, manipulate, shape, isolate and join them. I mix them with each other, and I present a new version. The result of a pathological analysis.

I rescue the pieces of a hidden puzzle, fragments of a parallel story. Characters with a script that continues, stories of a single act that are incomplete. Parts of a whole that are hidden among the crowd, hidden, but they are there, waiting to be found.

Generally, photography is understood as a system to capture reality, safeguard it from the passage of time and use the result as a witness of a specific moment. Perhaps because their technology produces information in the same language that our eyes speak.

I have always believed that there is nothing less “real” than a photograph. Everything around her is subjective, subject to the judgment of an impartial judge, the person behind the device, the photographer. How can we take as a single and true reference of a moment or fact a rectangle of a possibly larger reality? The eye and the mind behind the camera decide that it is included and that it remains outside that framework of “reality”.

However, I think that a photograph or image is much more than a series of chemical reactions or a bit of ink on to a paper. Although I think it is not a reference of reality, I think that sometimes it reflects portions of it. Flashes of stories that were left out of the stage.

It is a natural impulse for me, to think about what is behind the images, alien and own. Sometimes the message is clear. Other times, I need to reorganize them to tell the other realities contained in a single capture.

What are you looking at?

What are you waiting for?

Do you see?

What are you staring at?

What are you looking at?

What are you waiting for?

Do you see?

Look around, it’s everywhere.

Images, icons, shapes, colors, ideas, sensations, concepts, messages, paper, plastic. Touch, smell, see, look.

Sometimes you do not hear them, but they talk to you.

They are everywhere. There is something in them that catches me, I can not help it. At first, they scared me. Afterwards, I wanted to imitate them, to become them. Now, I put them in question. I face them. As a surgeon, I surgically section, manipulate, shape, isolate and join them. I mix them with each other, and I present a new version. The result of a pathological analysis.

I rescue the pieces of a hidden puzzle, fragments of a parallel story. Characters with a script that continues, stories of a single act that are incomplete. Parts of a whole that are hidden among the crowd, hidden, but they are there, waiting to be found.

Generally, photography is understood as a system to capture reality, safeguard it from the passage of time and use the result as a witness of a specific moment. Perhaps because their technology produces information in the same language that our eyes speak.

I have always believed that there is nothing less “real” than a photograph. Everything around her is subjective, subject to the judgment of an impartial judge, the person behind the device, the photographer. How can we take as a single and true reference of a moment or fact a rectangle of a possibly larger reality? The eye and the mind behind the camera decide that it is included and that it remains outside that framework of “reality”.

However, I think that a photograph or image is much more than a series of chemical reactions or a bit of ink on to a paper. Although I think it is not a reference of reality, I think that sometimes it reflects portions of it. Flashes of stories that were left out of the stage.

It is a natural impulse for me, to think about what is behind the images, alien and own. Sometimes the message is clear. Other times, I need to reorganize them to tell the other realities contained in a single capture.

What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? Do you see? What are you staring at?

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